Let us assume that ,we need to display the user public profile information in viewprofile.aspx page
Generally we pass the user id in the qurey string like ”viewprofile.aspx?id=100” . We fetch data using id value and displays the information .
If client request s you to url format to be like http://yoursite.com/ publicprofile /username
For that type of cases we use the url rewriting concepts .
Generally we pass the user id in the qurey string like ”viewprofile.aspx?id=100” . We fetch data using id value and displays the information .
If client request s you to url format to be like http://yoursite.com/ publicprofile /username
For that type of cases we use the url rewriting concepts .
In this article we will learn url rewriting ,virtual url concepts
URL rewriting is the process of accepting an incoming Web request and automatically redirecting it to a different URL.Using the code
Create “publicprofile” directory in your web application.
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string CurrentPath = Request.Url.ToString();
if (CurrentPath.Contains("/publicprofile/"))
HttpContext MyContext = HttpContext.Current;
string url = CurrentPath.Substring(0,CurrentPath.LastIndexOf("/"));
string username = CurrentPath.Substring(CurrentPath.LastIndexOf("/"));
username = username.Replace("/", "");
if (CurrentPath[CurrentPath.Length - 1].ToString() == "/")
HttpContext.Current.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
Request.Url.ToString().Replace(CurrentPath, url));
MyContext.RewritePath("index.aspx?uname=" + username);
Place “Index.aspx” in “publicprofile” directory.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.QueryString["uname"] != "")
int id = Validateuser.getId(Request.QueryString["uname"].ToString());
if (id != 0)
protected void ProfileInfo(int proID){
DataTable dt = Validateuser.getprofile(proID);
//Code to assign values to controls……
<add name="UrlRoutingModule" type="System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule, System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
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