Saturday, January 8, 2011

Implementing a Data Access Layer in C#

A Data Access Layer is an important layer in the architecture of any software.  This layer is responsible for communicating with the underlying database.  Making this layer provider independent can ensure multi database support with ease.  This article discusses implementation of a provider independent Data Access Layer in C#.
ADO.NET Data Providers
The following are the major ADO.NET data providers.
·         SQL Server Data Provider
·         Oracle Data Provider
·         Odbc Data Provider
·         OleDB Data Provider
ADO.NET Classes
The data providers stated above consist of these major ADO.NET classes.
·         Connection
·         Command
·         Data Reader
·         Data Adapter
These data provider classes implement the following interfaces.
·         IDbConnection
·         IDataReader
·         IDbCommand
·         IDbDataAdapter
In order to ensure that our DAL layer is provider independent, we make use of the above interfaces in our Data Access Layer.
Designing the Data Access Layer
The following enum is declared and ensures that we have a loose coupling between the UI layer and the Data Access Layer.
Listing 1: The Data Provider enum
public enum DataProvider
The DBManager class implements the IDBManager interface that contains the signature of the methods that the DBManager class implements.  The following code shows IDBManager interface:
Listing 2: The IDBManager interface
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Odbc;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data.OracleClient;
namespace DataAccessLayer
  public interface IDBManager
    DataProvider ProviderType
    string ConnectionString
    IDbConnection Connection
    IDbTransaction Transaction
    IDataReader DataReader
    IDbCommand Command
    void Open();
    void BeginTransaction();
    void CommitTransaction();
    void CreateParameters(int paramsCount);
    void AddParameters(int index, stringparamName, object objValue);
    IDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandTypecommandType, string
    DataSet ExecuteDataSet(CommandTypecommandType, string
    object ExecuteScalar(CommandTypecommandType, string commandText);
    int ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType commandType,string commandText);
    void CloseReader();
    void Close();
    void Dispose();
Listing 3: The DBManagerFactory class
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Odbc;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data.OracleClient;
namespace DataAccessLayer
  public sealed class DBManagerFactory
    private DBManagerFactory(){}
    public static IDbConnectionGetConnection(DataProvider
      IDbConnection iDbConnection = null;
      switch (providerType)
        case DataProvider.SqlServer:
          iDbConnection = new SqlConnection();
        case DataProvider.OleDb:
          iDbConnection = new OleDbConnection();
        case DataProvider.Odbc:
          iDbConnection = new OdbcConnection();
        case DataProvider.Oracle:
          iDbConnection = new OracleConnection();
          return null;
      return iDbConnection;
    public static IDbCommandGetCommand(DataProvider providerType)
      switch (providerType)
        case DataProvider.SqlServer:
          return new SqlCommand();
        case DataProvider.OleDb:
          return new OleDbCommand();
        case DataProvider.Odbc:
          return new OdbcCommand();
        case DataProvider.Oracle:
          return new OracleCommand();
          return null;
    public static IDbDataAdapterGetDataAdapter(DataProvider
      switch (providerType)
        case DataProvider.SqlServer:
          return new SqlDataAdapter();
        case DataProvider.OleDb:
          return new OleDbDataAdapter();
        case DataProvider.Odbc:
          return new OdbcDataAdapter();
        case DataProvider.Oracle:
          return new OracleDataAdapter();
          return null;
    public static IDbTransactionGetTransaction(DataProvider
      IDbConnection iDbConnection =GetConnection(providerType);
      IDbTransaction iDbTransaction =iDbConnection.BeginTransaction();
      return iDbTransaction;
    public static IDataParameterGetParameter(DataProvider
      IDataParameter iDataParameter = null;
      switch (providerType)
        case DataProvider.SqlServer:
          iDataParameter = new SqlParameter();
        case DataProvider.OleDb:
          iDataParameter = new OleDbParameter();
        case DataProvider.Odbc:
          iDataParameter = new OdbcParameter();
        case DataProvider.Oracle:
          iDataParameter = newOracleParameter();
      return iDataParameter;
    public staticIDbDataParameter[]GetParameters(DataProvider
      int paramsCount)
      IDbDataParameter[]idbParams = newIDbDataParameter[paramsCount];
      switch (providerType)
        case DataProvider.SqlServer:
          for (int i = 0; i < paramsCount;++i)
            idbParams[i] = new SqlParameter();
        case DataProvider.OleDb:
          for (int i = 0; i < paramsCount;++i)
            idbParams[i] = new OleDbParameter();
        case DataProvider.Odbc:
          for (int i = 0; i < paramsCount;++i)
            idbParams[i] = new OdbcParameter();
        case DataProvider.Oracle:
          for (int i = 0; i <intParamsLength; ++i)
            idbParams[i] = newOracleParameter();
          idbParams = null;
      return idbParams;
Listing 4: The DBManager Class
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Odbc;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data.OracleClient;
namespace DataAccessLayer
  public sealed class DBManager: IDBManager,IDisposable
    private IDbConnection idbConnection;
    private IDataReader idataReader;
    private IDbCommand idbCommand;
    private DataProvider providerType;
    private IDbTransaction idbTransaction =null;
    private IDbDataParameter[]idbParameters =null;
    private string strConnection;
    public DBManager(){
    public DBManager(DataProvider providerType)
      this.providerType = providerType;
    public DBManager(DataProvider providerType,string
      this.providerType = providerType;
      this.strConnection = connectionString;
    public IDbConnection Connection
        return idbConnection;
    public IDataReader DataReader
        return idataReader;
        idataReader = value;
    public DataProvider ProviderType
        return providerType;
        providerType = value;
    public string ConnectionString
        return strConnection;
        strConnection = value;
    public IDbCommand Command
        return idbCommand;
    public IDbTransaction Transaction
        return idbTransaction;
    public IDbDataParameter[]Parameters
        return idbParameters;
    public void Open()
      idbConnection =
      idbConnection.ConnectionString =this.ConnectionString;
      if (idbConnection.State !=ConnectionState.Open)
      this.idbCommand =DBManagerFactory.GetCommand(this.ProviderType);
    public void Close()
      if (idbConnection.State !=ConnectionState.Closed)
    public void Dispose()
      this.idbCommand = null;
      this.idbTransaction = null;
      this.idbConnection = null;
    public void CreateParameters(intparamsCount)
      idbParameters = newIDbDataParameter[paramsCount];
      idbParameters =DBManagerFactory.GetParameters(this.ProviderType,
    public void AddParameters(int index, stringparamName, object
      if (index < idbParameters.Length)
        idbParameters[index].ParameterName =paramName;
        idbParameters[index].Value = objValue;
    public void BeginTransaction()
      if (this.idbTransaction == null)
        idbTransaction =
      this.idbCommand.Transaction =idbTransaction;
    public void CommitTransaction()
      if (this.idbTransaction != null)
      idbTransaction = null;
    public IDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandTypecommandType, string
      this.idbCommand =DBManagerFactory.GetCommand(this.ProviderType);
      idbCommand.Connection = this.Connection;
      PrepareCommand(idbCommand,this.Connection, this.Transaction,
        commandText, this.Parameters);
      this.DataReader =idbCommand.ExecuteReader();
      return this.DataReader;
    public void CloseReader()
      if (this.DataReader != null)
    private void AttachParameters(IDbCommandcommand,
      foreach (IDbDataParameter idbParameter incommandParameters)
        if ((idbParameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
          (idbParameter.Value == null))
          idbParameter.Value = DBNull.Value;
    private void PrepareCommand(IDbCommandcommand, IDbConnection
      IDbTransaction transaction, CommandTypecommandType, string
      command.Connection = connection;
      command.CommandText = commandText;
      command.CommandType = commandType;
      if (transaction != null)
        command.Transaction = transaction;
      if (commandParameters != null)
        AttachParameters(command, commandParameters);
    public int ExecuteNonQuery(CommandTypecommandType, string
      this.idbCommand =DBManagerFactory.GetCommand(this.ProviderType);
      PrepareCommand(idbCommand,this.Connection, this.Transaction,
      commandType, commandText,this.Parameters);
      int returnValue =idbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
      return returnValue;
    public object ExecuteScalar(CommandTypecommandType, string
      this.idbCommand =DBManagerFactory.GetCommand(this.ProviderType);
      PrepareCommand(idbCommand,this.Connection, this.Transaction,
        commandText, this.Parameters);
      object returnValue = idbCommand.ExecuteScalar();
      return returnValue;
    public DataSet ExecuteDataSet(CommandTypecommandType, string
      this.idbCommand =DBManagerFactory.GetCommand(this.ProviderType);
      PrepareCommand(idbCommand,this.Connection, this.Transaction,
        commandText, this.Parameters);
      IDbDataAdapter dataAdapter =DBManagerFactory.GetDataAdapter
      dataAdapter.SelectCommand = idbCommand;
      DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
      return dataSet;
Using the DAL Layer
Compile the above project to create DALLayer.dll.  This section shows how we can use the DAL layer for database operations in our projects.  Create a new project and add the reference to the DALLayer.dll in this project.  The following code shows how we can read data from a database table called "emp" using the DAL Layer.
Listing 5: Read data using the DAL Layer
IDBManager dbManager = newDBManager(DataProvider.SqlServer);
dbManager.ConnectionString =ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[
  dbManager.ExecuteReader("Select * fromemp ",CommandType.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
//Usual Code
Note that we can read the connection string from the web.config file or we can hard code the same directly using the ConnectionString property.  It is always recommended to store the connection string in the web.config file and not hard code it in our code.
The following code shows how we can use the Execute Scalar method of the DBManager class to obtain a count of the records in the "emp" table.
Listing 6: Reading one value using Execute Scalar
IDBManager dbManager = newDBManager(DataProvider.OleDb);
dbManager.ConnectionString =ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[
  object recordCount =dbManager.ExecuteScalar("Select count(*) from
  emp ", CommandType.Text);
catch (Exception ce)
//Usual Code
The following code shows how we can invoke a stored procedure called "Customer_Insert" to insert data in the database using our DAL layer.
Listing 7: Inserting data using stored procedure
private void InsertData()
  IDBManager dbManager = new DBManager(DataProvider.SqlServer);
  dbManager.ConnectionString =ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[
    "ConnectionString "].ToString();
    dbManager.AddParameters(0, "@id",17);
    dbManager.AddParameters(1,"@name""Joydip Kanjilal");
  catch (Exception ce)
    //Usual code              
In this article we have designed and implemented a provider independent Data Access Layer that can be loosely coupled with other layers.  I invite the readers to post their comments and suggestions regarding this article.

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